
Living with depression or bipolar disorder can demand a lot of you. Wellness comes from knowing your strengths and finding ways to move forward, one step at a time

The DBSA Wellness Wheel is an easy-to-use tool that gives you a complete picture of the progress you’ve already made in your wellness journey. As you create your own wheel, you will see your strengths in perspective and discover ways to move toward the life you want to live.

A wellness tool created with you in mind

The Wellness Wheel concept has been widely used by mental health experts as a tool for recovery. DBSA’s Wellness Wheel reflects the real-world challenges you face and the ways you’re rising up to meet them.

We have drawn on multiple research studies and our own lived experience to create the Wellness Wheel and the educational tools that go with it. Our goal is to support you in celebrating your progress, and encourage you to explore new pathways for learning and personal growth.

Let’s get started! Take an inventory of your strengths in 7 key areas

We suggest you begin by downloading the Wellness Wheel workbook, where you’ll find prompts to help you reflect on 7 important areas of your life.

  1. Physical How would you describe your body’s overall health? Are you doing well with sleep, nutrition, and exercise? Are there changes you can make that will help you feel even stronger and healthier?
  2. Occupational How does having a mood disorder affect your career? Do you feel confident at work, or do you need more resources to feel fully supported?
  3. Financial How well do you handle money? Do you have a plan for spending and savings? Do mental health symptoms sometimes pull you off track?
  4. Environmental Do you spend time outdoors? Do you find calm and comfort in certain spaces, indoors and out? How can you arrange your home and office to support your mental health?
  5. Social Are your relationships mostly strong and supportive? Do you feel close to others, or are there times you feel isolated and lonely? Do you attend a regular support group of peers who understand your situation and needs?
  6. Intellectual  Do you enjoy learning new things? Do you have a creative hobby or pursuit that enriches your life? Would you like to try new things that will be stimulating and satisfying?
  7. Spiritual  Do you feel a strong sense of purpose and meaning? Do you draw on your deepest values to provide inner guidance? Are you hoping to feel more centered and balanced?

If you don’t have all the answers yet, don’t worry! The prompts in the workbook will guide you along. All you need are some colored pencils, markers or pens and you’re ready to begin.


Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness

Sleep, nutrition, and physical activity for total health.

Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness

Spending, saving, and planning for confidence with money.

Environmental Wellness

Enjoying your surroundings at work, home, and outdoors.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual Wellness

Stimulating your mind and enjoying creative activities.

Occupational Wellness

Occupational Wellness

Making sure your working life satisfies and supports you.

Social Wellness

Social Wellness

Creating caring, supportive relationships and community.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

Finding connection with your values, meaning and purpose.

Tell us about your Wellness Wheel experience

We’re excited to see how the Wellness Wheel works for you – and welcome your suggestions for making it even more useful and relevant. Take our 3-minute survey to share your Wellness Wheel story.

Wellness Wheel Survey


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